The trailer launch of arguably the most awaited web series of 2024, Mirzapur Season 3, was unveiled today in Mumbai. The entire star cast of the show – Pankaj Tripathi, Ali Fazal, Shweta Tripathi Sharma, Rasika Dugal, Vijay Varma, Anjumm Shharma, Priyanshu Painyuli, Harshita Shekhar Gaur and Sheeba Chadha – were present along with producer Farhan Akhtar of Excel Media & Entertainment, directors Gurmmeet Singh and Anand Iyer and Nikhil Madhok, Head of Hindi Originals, Prime Video.
Mirzapur Season 3 trailer launch: “Whenever I go, people only ask me ‘Don 3 kabhi aayegi aur Mirzapur 3 kabhi aayegi?!” – Farhan Akhtar
All the actors of the show had a grand entry on stage, but the maximum claps and hoots were reserved for Pankaj Tripathi, who plays the menacing and cool Kaleen Bhaiyya in Mirzapur.
Farhan Akhtar, however, took the cake with his quotes. He began by saying, “It’s the audience that makes it a success. The credit also goes to the talent on stage, the writing team and the team at Amazon Prime Video. We are very blessed to have these people collaborate with us on the show.”
Farhan continued, “It is phenomenal how Mirzapur has made a place in the hearts of the audience across the world. Whenever I go, people ask me only two-three questions – tum yahan kya kar rahe ho? Don 3 kabhi aayegi aur Mirzapur 3 kabhi aayegi?!” As expected, his statement raised a lot of laughs.
Nikhil Madhok confirmed that they are confident of the product, looking at the success of the earlier two seasons. He revealed, “Within the first seven days, the second season of Mirzapur became the most watched show ever on our service. That’s spectacular. Even today, it has a viewership in 180 countries. What makes Mirzapur special is the iconic characters and the incredible love they have from the fans.”
He also hinted at the declaration of fans who have been continuously asking for season 3, “It’s been four years and the audience have been waiting patiently and also impatiently!”
Mirzapur Season 3 is all set to release on July 5.
Also Read: Mirzapur Season 3 Trailer: Brutal showdown between Pankaj Tripathi’s Kaleen Bhaiyya and Ali Fazal’s Guddu takes the spotlight, watch
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