Former Janata Dal Secular MP Prajwal Revanna, who is facing charges of rape and sexual abuse, has been sent back to judicial custody until July 8. He was remanded to a 14-day judicial custody starting June 18 until July 2. But, the Special Investigation Team or SIT – which is probing the cases against him – sought a body warrant against him and took him under custody that ended today.
There are three cases of sexual assault cases against the 33-year-old. He also faces charges of rape. The cases of sexual abuse came to light after pen drives containing explicit videos allegedly involving Mr Revanna were reportedly circulated in Hassan, ahead of Lok Sabha polls there on April 26.
Cases against Prajwal Revanna:
The first police case was registered against him on April 28 but he left for Germany a day before on April 27. This case originally involved alleged sexual exploitation of a 47-year-old former maid. According to the First Information Report, Prajwal was named accused number 2 while his father HD Revanna accused number 1. HD Revanna has been released on bail in this case. But later, on the basis of the alleged statement of the same woman, rape charges were added against Prajwal Revanna.
The second case was registered by the CID on May 1, in which a 44-year-old woman accused Prajwal of repeatedly raping her at gunpoint.
The third case was registered by the SIT on May 3. The age of the victim is said to be 60 years. She has also accused Prajwal of rape.
A ‘Blue Corner Notice’ seeking information on his whereabouts had earlier been issued by Interpol, following a request by the (SIT) – – via the Central Bureau of Investigation.
On May 31, SIT officials arrested him soon after he landed at Bengaluru airport from Germany.
Mr Revanna failed to retain the Hassan parliamentary constituency in the recent Lok Sabha polls. The constituency had gone to the polls a day before he left for Germany.
Source Agencies