A Gallup report found that about 60% of people reported feeling emotionally detached at work, 50% are stressed, and 19% said they are outright miserable. The sentiment is incredibly relatable for many, but likely even more so for the poor souls who live under these signs at work:
Pentagon / Via giphy.com
1.This company declared they no longer accept a doctor’s note as proof of sickness because “if you are able to go to the doctor you are able to come to work.”
2. This place low-key threatened employees with a heavier workload if they’re seen on their phone.
3.Workers had to warn customers that tips given through their card payment system would never reach their check and instead fill their boss’s pocket.
4.This business thought everyone passing by should know that “lazy people hurt their employer.”
5.This massive sign was displayed at a fast-food joint to let everyone know that food waste is in the policy.
6.Management at this business are a little too involved in how employees keep themselves entertained while going #2.
7.This reminder to actors that they’re considered late if they show up on time, and “most probably lost the job!”
8.This sign wouldn’t be that infuriating if management didn’t consistently break their own rules and leave dishes in the sink for others to clean.
9.This load-bearing reminder that workers are expected to do everything at once.
10.This notice has so many things wrong with it. First, the company decided that employees have to pay for items voided by customers, even though the product will still be returned to shelves. Second, this should honestly be a conversation between individuals and their managers — not a sign posted for people to add their signatures.
11.This unfortunate work environment where some feel it’s appropriate to poop in the shower.
12.This company forcing employees to pay $2 to microwave their lunch.
13.This coworker situation where they don’t understand that your lunch isn’t free food.
15.And finally, this legally-questionable “we do not hire liberals” sign.
What a joy working in America!
Source Agencies