CNN’s Chris Wallace said Donald Trump plans to be “nice and respectful” for Thursday’s presidential debate, prompting hearty laughter from CNN special correspondent Jamie Gangel. (Watch the video below.)
Wallace was reporting to fellow panelists what he heard from the former president’s staffers ahead of his verbal showdown with President Joe Biden on the news channel.
The former Fox News anchor moderated the 2020 debate marred by Trump’s numerous interruptions ― which he believes cost Trump the election.
“Has he learned his lesson?” Wallace said Wednesday. “I’ve talked to a lot of people in the top echelons of his staff. They say he finally understands how badly he did in the 2020 debate. And the two words that are coming out ― you don’t usually hear from the Trump camp ― are ‘nice’ and ‘respectful.’”
Gangel turned to the other panelists and guffawed while Wallace insisted that was Trump’s strategy. “He very much intends not to make the same mistake,” Wallace said.
Gangel, who could be heard chortling again as her colleague continued his analysis, scoffed at the notion.
“I think Mr. Nice may last for a couple of minutes,” Gangel said. “I can’t imagine we’re gonna get through 90 minutes without Trump being Trump.”
Fast-forward to :55 for Wallace’s cackle-inducing take:
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