Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor’s wife and renowned entrepreneur, Mira Kapoor, recently engaged in an insightful conversation with Lesley Jennison, the Global Ambassador of Schwarzkopf Professional. This collaboration, highlighted in a video available here, dives into the latest trends and tips in hair colouring, providing valuable insights for enthusiasts and professionals alike.
Mira Kapoor hosts Schwarzkopf Professional’s Global Ambassador Lesley Jennison, watch
Mira Kapoor and Her Passion for Beauty
Mira Kapoor, a prominent figure in the beauty and lifestyle industry, has always been vocal about her love for all things beauty. As an entrepreneur and influencer, she continuously seeks to educate her audience on the latest trends and techniques. Hosting Lesley Jennison is another step in her journey to bring expert advice and knowledge to her followers.
Mira Kapoor Turns Entrepreneur
Besides hosting Lesley, Mira recently made headlines for launching her skincare brand, Akind. For the unversed, two weeks ago, Mira announced the launch of Akind through a video on Instagram, introducing her brand with a message of self-care and skin awareness. In the video, Mira said, “We all have a skin type. But no one tells us that our skin has modes too. You know that feeling when you have makeup on all day and your skin tells you it needs to breathe? Start on a clean slate.”
The brand has introduced a range of nine skincare products, designed to cater to various skin needs. All the products are priced between Rs 500 to Rs 1000.
Also Read: Mira Rajput and Ishaan Khatter recreate viral meme, Shahid Kapoor shows love; watch
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