Police seeking masked suspects after ATM was uprooted and emptied in dead of night – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL27 June 2024Last Update :
Police seeking masked suspects after ATM was uprooted and emptied in dead of night – MASHAHER

A bank in Alexandria, Minn., had its ATM uprooted and emptied in the dead of night, and police are turning to the public in their pursuit of the perpetrators.

The hit-and-run heist occurred sometime between 3 a.m. and 3:40 a.m. Wednesday outside Glenwood State Bank at S. 22nd Avenue and S. Broadway Street, police said.

Officers arrived to find the ATM dislodged from its usual location and the money gone, police said.

Police said they determined that a white pickup truck stolen out of Hutchinson, Minn., was used in the assault on the ATM. Once the heavy lifting was done, the pickup was left behind and a driver in an SUV picked up the masked suspects and drove away on 22nd Avenue toward Pioneer Road, police said.

Jordan McMahon, a senior official with the bank, told the Star Tribune that nothing like this has happened “on my watch” during her long career in banking.

“They certainly knew what they were doing, that’s for sure,” McMahon said.

Police are asking that if anyone saw anything in the area suspicious around that time or have video surveillance to call them at 320-763-6631.

Source Agencies

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