Junaid Khan, son of Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, has finally entered the world of Hindi cinema. This year marked his debut with the film Maharaj, directed by Siddharth P Malhotra. Junaid did not embark on this journey alone. The film boasts a stellar cast, including the talented Jaideep Ahlawat in a pivotal role. In a recent interview with Bollywood Hungama, Junaid Khan couldn’t hold back his praise for his co-star.
EXCLUSIVE: Junaid Khan on sharing screen with Jaideep Ahlawat in Maharaj: “Working with him was a great experience when you are graphing scenes together”
“He’s superb. Working with him was a great experience when you are graphing scenes together… As characters, we’re pitted against each other, but as actors, we’re always working together,” Khan stated.
Junaid Khan added, “He has tremendous insight into a character, into how a scene should play out. So, it was great.”
Maharaj follows the story of Karsandas Mulji, a journalist and social reformer, played by Junaid Khan. The year 1862 paints a vivid picture of a nation in flux. With only three universities established and the embers of the Sepoy Mutiny still glowing, India was grappling with change. Set against this backdrop, Mulji, a young man studying at Elphinstone College in Mumbai, emerged as a champion for the marginalized. Inspired by his mentor, scholar-leader Dadabhai Naoroji, Mulji championed social reform and women’s rights. His unwavering commitment to justice led him to confront a powerful figure in the infamous Maharaj Libel Case.
Produced by Aditya Chopra under the banner of YRF Entertainment, Maharaj was released on Netflix.
ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Junaid Khan on Maharaj’s court issue that delayed the release: “We were all on edge a little bit”
More Pages: Maharaj Box Office Collection , Maharaj Movie Review
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