Rescue Ginger Cat on a Weight Loss Journey May Have Bulked Up Due to Love of Cheese – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL30 June 2024Last Update :
Rescue Ginger Cat on a Weight Loss Journey May Have Bulked Up Due to Love of Cheese – MASHAHER

A social media star cat who is famously trying to become less chonky may have initially gained weight due to his previous owner letting him indulge in one of the best foods on earth – cheese.

This Canadian cat is trying to slim down after initially weight 43 pounds when he was first adopted.

Speaking to Ottawa.CTVnews, Axel’s owner said, “We didn’t get much backstory, but when I’m cooking pizza, anything with cheese, he’s begging. He’s like clawing at me. So, I’m assuming he got human food because he wouldn’t really eat cat food when he came.”

Ha! I really can’t blame him, cheese is the absolute best.

Axel has been working hard on his fitness though, because he now weighs 33 pounds, and His TikTok account has more than 2.6 million likes and 128,000 followers.

You go Axel and good luck on your weight loss journey!

Related: Hilarious ‘Cheese Tax’ Song Should Be Every Dog Parent’s Anthem

If your own cat has weight issues, here’s how you can help.

How To Help Your Cat Slim Down

I do love a fat cat.<p><button class=
I do love a fat cat.


Listen, I love nothing more than the chonky kitties but I guess we all want our cats to live long, healthy lives so if you feel your cat needs to drop some pounds, here’s what you do.

Before starting a weight loss program, have your vet check for any underlying health issues that might be contributing to your cat’s weight gain.

Measure your cat’s food portions to ensure they are eating the right amount according to your vet’s recommendations for daily caloric intake.

Limit the number of delicious treats you give them, especially people food. One of my cats will basically try and steal anything I’m eating and it’s so hard not to share with him but if you want your cat to lose weight, you have to limit their treats.

Play active games with your cat, like having them chase a feather wand or a laser toy. Roll a ball for them to chase.  Some cats even take swimming lessons in order to drop the excess weight.

Weigh your cat regularly to track their weight loss progress. Use a pet scale or a regular scale by holding your cat and subtracting your weight. Then you can reward them by buying them a cupcake.

Just kidding.

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