Mama Black Bear and Cubs Break Into Bird Feeders – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL2 July 2024Last Update :
Mama Black Bear and Cubs Break Into Bird Feeders – MASHAHER

A mama black bear and her three cubs broke into a Washington homeowner’s bird feeders in late May, with the heist caught on security cameras.

Rich Saddler owns the cameras that captured the mama bear tearing apart the bird feeders on his porch in Hoquiam. Saddler told Storyful he’s noticed bears in his backyard the last two or three years, but said this is the first time they’ve gotten so close, and the first time he’s seen the cubs.

According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), “bears may opportunistically seek food in human-occupied areas when natural foods are scarce. This occurs annually in early spring before natural foods become available and in late fall as bears prepare for hibernation.”

The WDFW advises anyone living or recreating in bear country to avoid feeding bears and to responsibly manage garbage to prevent human-bear conflict. Credit: Rich Saddler via Storyful

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