Drone footage shows Chinese temple partially submerged – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL5 July 2024Last Update :
Drone footage shows Chinese temple partially submerged – MASHAHER

STORY: :: Drone footage shows a temple in China

partially submerged due to rising water levels

:: Lushan City, China

:: July 4, 2024

:: It comes after intense rains in southern China

which have prompted flood preparations

Water levels at Poyang Lake are being closely monitored, with authorities having activated a second-level response for flood control since Tuesday (July 2) night.

Due to continuous heavy rainfall and upstream water inflows, the water level exceeded the 19-meter (62 feet) warning level by 2 meters (6.6 ft) for the first time this year on Tuesday, reaching 21.29 meters (70 feet), according to state agency Xinhua News.

Rising water levels in the Yangtze River following intense rains in southern China have prompted eastern regions downstream to prepare for possible flooding. Poyang Lake is one of the main tributaries in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Source Agencies

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