“Recycling is so important, and I am very passionate about not contributing to landfill because the environment is a big concern that’s close to my heart.”
Volunteer Lily Watt sorting discarded uniforms at the Worn Up warehouse. Source: SBS / Sandra Fulloon
Lily lives in the local area and finished high school last year. She was happy to find an outlet for her old, unwanted uniforms.
Lily’s uniforms are among thousands received by a small family business called Worn Up. Its focus is recycling fabric and turning it into useable items like school furniture.
Discarded school uniforms ready for recycling. Source: SBS / Spencer Austad
And with 9,000 schools in Australia, there’s a huge resource out there, according to founders Annie Thompson and Murray Fuller.
Thompson is in her second year of a master’s degree in sustainable development at Macquarie University and is passionate about creating change around textile waste.
Worn Up co-founders architect Murray Fuller (left) and Annie Thompson. Source: SBS / Spencer Austad
With her husband Fuller, an architect, she started Worn Up in 2020, while also running a school clothing venture.
“We want to extract value and the embodied energy that’s been used in making uniforms and turn that into something useful,” Thompson adds.
Uniforms are shredded into fine fibres ready for processing. Source: SBS / Spencer Austad
And this is how Worn Up does it. The old uniforms are shredded and then blended with other materials and pressed at high temperatures to form colourful, flat boards called FABtec.
Thompson says the boards can be shaped into desktops, chairs and even cutting boards.
“For FABtec we actually prefer synthetic fibres because if they are strong enough to last for 100 years in landfill, they’re strong enough for a child’s desk.”
FABtec boards and demonstration products at the warehouse. Source: SBS / Spencer Austad
It’s estimated that each year, Australian schools send around 2,000 tonnes of uniforms to landfill. And that’s just part of the problem.
It’s one reason Worn Up has partnered with the national science organisation, the CSIRO, through its Kick Start program.
Worn Up co-founder Annie Thompson (left) and CSIRO’s Megan Sebben. Source: SBS / Sandra Fulloon
The CSIRO Kick Start program provides funding support and access to CSIRO research expertise to help start-ups and small businesses grow and develop.
Thompson says the CSIRO collaboration gave Worn Up access to global experts who then became mentors.
The CSIRO’s Megan Sebben says the agency has identified plastic waste as a “serious global challenge”. Source: SBS / Spencer Austad
“CSIRO also tested FABtec from an independent perspective and then they helped us refine it,” Thompson says. “And the CSIRO experts looked at areas where it could improve, like strength.
Sebben says the CSIRO assessment found FABtec to be “innovative” and “robust”.
Demonstration items made from FABtec. Source: SBS / Sandra Fulloon
“With a few additional tweaks and more research, Worn Up was able to create something that’s robust and fit for purpose,” Sebben says.
Worn Up is currently in talks with commercial furniture manufacturers and plans to approach state governments about placing desks in schools.
Worn Up co-founder Annie Thompson. Source: SBS / Spencer Austad
While recycling is welcomed by many environmental organisations, including Planet Ark, its head of circular economy development, Dr Nicole Garofano, says more is needed.
“Initiatives like Worn Up are fantastic for keeping materials in use, but us as individuals, what else can we do?
“And 200,000 tonnes of clothing, not textiles, but clothing, goes to landfill in Australia each year.”
Phases of the FABtec process from fabric to furniture. Source: SBS / Sandra Fulloon
“While recycling is a wonderful reuse of valuable materials, we actually need to reduce our consumption of these materials — in this case textiles.”
“We would really love to see FABtec go global. As a global first, made-in-Australia concept, it would be fantastic for us to see this become the norm everywhere,” Thompson says.
Worn Up co-founder Murray Fuller (left) with daughter Amelia (centre), son Taylor, and Annie Thompson. Source: Supplied / Annie Thompson
“We recently did a display at a design expo in Sydney and had an overwhelming response from interior designers, architects, and industrial designers.
“Can you imagine if every student in Australia or all four million of them sat at a desk made from their uniforms? That’s where we are headed.”
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