On Thursday, Bhumi Pednekar celebrated her birthday as she turned 35 years old on July 18. The actress’ social media handle was flooded with wishes not only from fans but also her friends from the industry as well as her well-wishers. Overwhelmed by the love coming her way, the Bhakshak actress decided to take to the platform to express her gratitude towards them and also shared glimpses of her birthday celebrations as a treat for her followers.
Bhumi Pednekar expresses gratitude towards friends, fans, and well-wishers for birthday wishes; says, “I’m reminded of how blessed I am”
Bhumi Pednekar ‘thanks’ everyone for ‘being surrounded by love’
On July 19, Friday, Bhumi decided to take to social media to share a post dedicating it to all the people who wished her on her special day. The actress, who is also a popular philanthropist and environmental activist, shared photos where she was presented with a collage of her characters from films, along with a cake cutting ceremonies which were held by her team, friends, as well as on the sets of her latest venture, Daldal. The actress also penned a long note of gratitude wherein she said, “As another year goes by, I’m reminded of how blessed I am. To be surrounded by so much love, to have incredible people by my side, and to pursue a passion. I am truly touched by all your wishes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart<3 #Blessed”. Meanwhile, the wishes continued to pour as many of them wished her on Friday as well after the actress shared this sweet post.
About Bhumi Pednekar and her upcoming projects
The actress who kicked off her career by working with Yash Raj Films, made her debut in 2015 with their production Dum Laga Ke Haisha alongside Ayushmann Khurrana. The actress recently won hearts in her role as a brave journalist in Bhakshak and currently, she is wrapping up the shoot of her web-series debut. Bhumi will be seen in the role of a cop in the upcoming Amazon Originals Daldal which will premiere on Prime Video.
Also Read: Revisiting 5 jaw-dropping looks of Bhumi Pednekar that won our hearts
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