What to Know About CrowdStrike, the Little-Known Cybersecurity Company Behind a Global Tech Outage – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL20 July 2024Last Update :
What to Know About CrowdStrike, the Little-Known Cybersecurity Company Behind a Global Tech Outage – MASHAHER

George Kurtz spent more than a decade building CrowdStrike CRWD -11.10%decrease; red down pointing triangle into a cybersecurity powerhouse that helps prevent massive disruptions to computer systems. Now the company he co-founded has caused the kind of massive global outage it was supposed to prevent.

The outage rippled across the world Friday morning, canceling thousands of flights, upending banking transactions and media broadcasts, and causing widespread global disruption. Because of a CrowdStrike software update to devices running Microsoft’s Windows software, millions of people confronted useless blue computer screens and scrambled to contain the damage.

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