Bollywood actor Akshay Oberoi is all set to be playing police personnel in his next. The actor recently shared a picture of himself donning a khaki police uniform, leaving his fans speculating about his next on-screen role. The image, which showcases Akshay looking dashing and authoritative, has confirmed the rumors that he is playing a cop in his upcoming project which is set to be directed by Shanker Raman. Akshay has previously worked with him on Gurgaon and this film marks their second collaboration.
CONFIRMED! Akshay Oberoi reunites with Gurgaon director Shanker Raman; to play cop in action-drama
Akshay, known for his versatile performances, has consistently wowed audiences with his dynamic roles. His portrayal of a fighter pilot in his last film left a significant impact, solidifying his status as a compelling actor in uniformed roles. This latest appearance in police attire has only heightened fans’ curiosity and excitement.
A source close to the actor commented, “Akshay’s performance as an airforce officer was highly appreciated by his fans. They loved seeing him in a uniform, and there’s a good chance we might see him in a different yet equally powerful role in the future.”
The project is said to be an action drama and will go on floors in October this year.
Also Read: Akshay Oberoi discusses untapped potential in Indian horror cinema as Pizza turns 10: “There’s still much ground to cover in pushing the boundaries”
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