The ongoing Star Plus show Maati Se Bandhi Dor features Rutuja Bagwe essaying the role of Vaijanati aka Vaiju, and Ankit Gupta as Ranvijay. After witnessing Vaiju and Ranvijay’s forced marriage due to unforeseen circumstances, the couple’s life takes a new turn when Vaiju’s sister and Ranvijay’s love interest Jaya gets out of coma. As the family unaware of this forced marriage, have kicked off the wedding preparations for Ranvijay and Jaya in full swing, many special guests graced the wedding rituals including Jhanak, aka Hiba Nawab.
Jhanak actress Hiba Nawab appreciates Maati Se Bandhi Dor actress Rutuja Bagwe; says, “Be it real or reel life, the bond Rutuja and I shared was great,”
Hiba Nawab shares her experience of working with Rutuja Bagwe
Audiences recently witnessed a maha-sangam (collaboration) of the two popular Star Plus shows wherein Jhanak joined these wedding celebrations of Ranvijay and Jaya. In fact, Jhanak and Vaiju even performed to the tunes of ‘Aaja Nachle’ as audiences witnessed their sweet onscreen camaraderie. Many of them commented on the same calling it as a visual treat and recently Hiba decided to share her thoughts on this special episode.
Speaking of joining Rutuja in Maati Se Bandhi Dor, Hiba said, “Associating with Rutuja Bagwe (Vaiju) was an amazing experience; we performed on the song Aaja Nachle. I am an ardent fan of Madhuri Dixit, and grooving to the tunes of her songs was indeed a pleasure. I enjoyed collaborating with Rutuja Bagwe for the show Maati Se Bandhi Dor. Be it real or reel life, the bond Rutuja and I shared was great.”
About Maati Se Bandhi Dor
Set against the backdrop of Kolhapur, Maharashtra, the serial depicts the struggles and journey of Vaiju, who works in the fields to earn money and support her family. But destiny has some other plans. Vaiju is family-oriented, hardworking, and visionary, and she aims to uplift her lifestyle and work towards the betterment of the village. It will be intriguing to witness how Vaiju will find love in her forced marriage with Ranvijay while keeping her ambitions of uplifting her lifestyle and bringing betterment to her village alive. Maati Se Bandhi Dor airs on Star Plus from Monday to Sunday at 7.30 p.m.
Also Read: Ankit Gupta returns to television shows with Star Plus’ new show Maati Se Bandhi Dor, co-starring Rutuja Bagwe
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