Tamil actor John Vijay has been accused of inappropriate behaviour and sexual misconduct by many women. On Friday, July 26, singer and voice artiste Chinmayi Sripada shared screenshots of some of the anonymous complaints she received. A few days ago, a journalist wrote about her encounter with John Vijay and the advances he made on her while waiting for an interview.
In the complaints that Chinmayi posted, John Vijay was accused of ogling and making women uncomfortable at workplaces, pubs and restaurants. The complaint also had a testimonial from a journalist who claimed that John touched her in the context of being friendly.
Here’s her post:
These complaints are not new to John Vijay. During the #MeToo movement, he was accused by many women.
Radio jockey-turned-video jockey Sriranjani called him out on X and spoke about how he called her in the middle of the night pretending to talk about work.
Back then, Chinmayi shared screenshots of many anonymous complaints as a part of the #MeToo movement. She thanked Sriranjani for coming out with her story against John Vijay and also claimed that she received three complaints from women.
Soon after receiving backlash in 2018, actor John Vijay spoke to Firstpost apologising for his behaviour.
He said, “I am a very transparent person who speaks my heart out. Not with any intentions or ulterior motives. I have understood that at times my jokes are not funny to everyone and may sound insensitive. When I really sense that some one does not appreciate what I say, is not on the same page and I am misunderstood, I remove myself from having further conversation or being present at that place. I really do not remember the incidents quoted on Twitter, I have not met these people any where alone nor asked them out either. If my comments, that I thought was funny and witty, would have hurt any one at any point of time I would like to take this opportunity to inform that I am also very emotionally hurt by my behaviour. This would be my lesson to know what to say to whom and when. I completely support this #metoo move movement. If I had not been pulled in I would have been one among the first to voice this cause and support this movement (sic).”
John Vijay was last seen as an antagonist in Malayalam actor Dileep’s ‘Thankamani’. For the unaware, Dileep is one of the accused in the Malayalam actor sexual assault case, which rocked the country in 2017.
These allegations against John Vijay had little or no repercussions on his career. He continues to act in many languages. Some of his famous films include ‘Oram Po’, ‘Sarpatta Parambarai, and ‘Salaar: Part 1 – Ceasefire’, among, many other films.
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