In new South Korean series “The Frog,” a sunny summer idyl is violently disturbed when the owner of a guest house in the forest takes in a mysterious young woman as a guest. Trouble inevitably follows.
The Netflix series, which runs to eight one-hours episodes and is expected to premiere on Aug. 23, is directed by Mo Wan-il. Mo was previously behind the successful series, “World of the Married.”
“The Frog” stars veteran actor Kim Yun-seok (“Noryang: Deadly Sea,” “Escape From Mogadishu”) as Young-ha, the owner of a tranquil pension house, and Go Min-si as the dangerous guest. It is a radically different performance from her role in “Sweet Home,” which the streamer recently debuted for its third and final season. She also starred in last year’s hit film “Smugglers” and 2021 action-drama series “Jirisan.”
Yoon Kye-sang (“The Outlaws”) portrays Sang-jun, a man who operated the same holiday cottage twenty years earlier, but suddenly lost everything following the arrival of a guest of his own. Lee Jung-eun (“Miss Night and Day,” “Daily Dose of Sunshine,” “Parasite”) portrays an intuitive female cop investigating both Young-ha and Sang-jun’s cases.
The show is produced by SSL and Studio Flow. Its original Korean title translates to English as “In the Woods With No One.”
Watch the trailer here.
“The Frog” follows other suspenseful genre titles out of Korea on Netflix, including “The Bequeathed,” from director Yeon Sang-ho (“Train to Busan”), and “A Killer Paradox,” starring Choi Woo-shik (“Parasite”) and Son Suk-ku (“DP”). Uploading later this year is “The Trunk,” starring Gong Yoo (“Goblin,” “Squid Game”), where dark secrets from a clandestine matchmaking service come to light.
Source Agencies