Television heartthrob turned Bollywood actor Rajeev Khandelwal has opened up about a rather unpleasant experience with filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The actor revealed that he was left in the lurch for almost a year after being signed on for Bhansali’s ambitious project, Chenab Gandhi. The film, which was also slated to star megastars Amitabh Bachchan and Vidya Balan, never materialized.
Rajeev Khandelwal recalls being ghosted by Sanjay Leela Bhansali after signing Chenab Gandhi: “I did feel time waste ho raha hai mera…”
Ranjeev Khandelwal, in an interview with Siddharth Kannan, expressed his frustration, stating, “He signed me for a film, called Chenab Gandhi, and kept me around for nine months, almost a year. But the film never took off. Because I was bound by contract, I couldn’t do anything else either. As soon as this chapter ended, I did Sach Ka Saamna.”
The actor admitted that he didn’t receive a satisfactory explanation from Bhansali regarding the abrupt cancellation of the project. “After Aamir, I wanted to do projects that had a life. If they didn’t work out, I moved on. The only problem I had was that I was being kept in the dark,” he said.
He added, “I moved on. There was no depression. There were no complaints whatsoever. I did feel that time waste ho raha hai mera, ek saal hogaya hai. But then, I was willing to invest that time, but this is a part of life. I know it sounds unreal when I say I wasn’t affected, but it’s true.”
Khandewal also said that he was told by Vibhu Puri, “Rajeev, move on. It’s not happening. When asked if he ever reached to Bhansali for a response, he said, “I did ask, but I didn’t get a response.”
He added that he is sure Bhansali didn’t delay the project on purpose. Rajeev said, “It’s not like he said that he will keep me around for a year and ruin my career. I’m sure he didn’t have a vested interest, it wasn’t deliberate. It could’ve been funding, or any other reason, but he didn’t have an answer. I told him, ‘This is a crucial time for me…’”
On the work front, Rajeev Khandelwal is currently seen in Showtime, starring alongside Emraan Hashmi, Mouni Roy and others.
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