Veteran filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt has officially declared the end of his directorial journey. He has decided to step away from the director’s chair, citing a change in his outlook and the evolving landscape of cinema. Mahesh Bhatt helmed over 50 films before hanging up his directorial hat in 1999 with the Sanjay Dutt starrer Kartoos. However, a brief return in 2020 with Sadak 2 starring his daughter Alia Bhatt marked a departure from his initial plan.
Mahesh Bhatt calls himself “outdated, and has-been”, rules out return to direction after Sadak 2
Mahesh Bhatt On Being Mentor And Not Director
In a recent interview, Mahesh Bhatt expressed his satisfaction with his current role as a mentor. He stated the joy of nurturing young filmmakers and providing them with the tools to realise their creative visions. “This is a new age, a new vibrant dawn,” he told Indian Express, adding that he feels more fulfilled in his current position.
He said, “Nothing can be more gratifying than creating people. Vikram is a true protegee, who has provided me a space under the metaphorical Banayan tree where I sit down and for my fulfillment, give people who come to me, the courage to look inward.”
Mahesh Bhatt Calls Himself “outdated”
He further explained, “However, I don’t have the thirst to leave my footprints on the sands of time, which is paramount in the entertainment world. Those who make it, have an insatiable thirst to leave their footprints on the sands of time. Vikram has it, Avika has it, I am outdated, a has-been.”
For the unversed, Avika Gor and Vikram Bhatt are currently promoting their upcoming film Bloody Ishq streaming on Disney Plus Hotstar. The horror thriller film was released on the OTT platform on July 26. It also stars legendary actor Amrish Puri’s grandson Vardhan in the lead.
Also Read: Bloody Ishq filmmaker Vikram Bhatt addresses Mahesh Bhatt as his ‘mentor, guru, and writer’; says, “Working with him is like making music, you won’t hear a discordant note”
More Pages: Sadak 2 Box Office Collection , Sadak 2 Movie Review
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