Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor has delved deep into his relationship with his late father, Rishi Kapoor. The Bollywood star, known for his guarded persona, revealed the complexities and challenges they faced as father and son. In the latest episode of “People by WTF,” host Nikhil Kamath engages in a conversation with Ranbir Kapoor. Kapoor delves deep into his personal and professional life, discussing milestones, challenges, and the surprising commonalities between him and Kamath.
Ranbir Kapoor opens up about his distant relationship with his father Rishi Kapoor; recalls getting panic attack a night before his death: “I don’t think I have grieved, understood the loss”
In a candid and heart-wrenching interview, Ranbir admitted that while he loved his father, their relationship was marked by distance. “I loved my father, but our relationship was distant and not so great,” he confessed.
The actor’s pain was palpable as he recounted the harrowing experience of Rishi Kapoor’s final days. When informed of his father’s imminent passing, Ranbir was overwhelmed by a panic attack. “I stopped crying very early on. I didn’t even cry when my father passed away. When I was spending the night at the hospital, the doctor told me, ‘This is his last night, he is going to go anytime soon,’ I remember going up to the room and had a panic attack. I didn’t know how to express myself, there was too much happening that was to take. But I don’t think I have grieved, understood the loss,” he shared.
A significant turning point in their relationship came during Rishi Kapoor’s cancer treatment in New York. The extended period of togetherness brought to the fore the emotional distance between the two. “The one year we spent together in New York while his treatment was on, he often spoke about that. I was there for 45 days and one day he came and started crying. He has never shown that kind of weakness to me. It was so awkward for me because I didn’t know if I should hold him or hug him; I really realised the distance. I feel guilty that I didn’t have the grace to let go off the distance between us and go and hug him, give him some love. You are also brought up a certain way where you’re told, ‘Now you are responsible’ and then certain things play on your mind, I have my mother, sister, wife, a child and my father passes away… Can I show my weakness? I don’t know what it is, but I just didn’t show it,” the actor said.
The weight of guilt was evident in Ranbir’s voice as he reflected on their relationship. “I feel guilty that I didn’t have the grace to let go of the distance between us and go and hug him, give him some love,” he expressed.
On the work front, Ranbir Kapoor will be seen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love & War and Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana.
ALSO READ: Ranbir Kapoor on media scrutiny, label of ‘Casanova’ while dating Deepika Padukone, Katrina Kaif; being called a cheater: “I dated two very successful actresses and that just became my identity”
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