Daniel Egneus
Read your sign’s 2024 horoscope predictions to see what’s in store for you this year or check out each sign’s dates & personality profile to learn more about the zodiac.
Welcome to August 2024. It’s a month that demands rest, in large part because Mercury goes retrograde. On the same date that it does, Venus moves into healing Virgo, and the sky goes dark with a new moon in lush Leo. Combined, the lesson from all of these transits is that those with negative associations (such as Mercury retrograde) actually become opportunities to take it easy with the right care and perspective. Juno, the asteroid of commitment, moves into relationship-oriented Libra, blessing both platonic and romantic relationships. You’ll need to be patient with those you love during this time.
A full moon in Aquarius could be a politically intense day, so consider logging off for your mental health. And when the sun moves into healing Virgo, the stars continue to emphasize rest and work/life balance. Focus on making your to-do lists manageable rather than overrun, which is amplifies by Vesta, the asteroid of spirituality, also moving into Virgo. And when nurturing Ceres moves into hardworking Capricorn, the lesson of prioritizing wellness is amplified. Mercury goes direct at the end of the month, just in time for Venus to move into its home sign of Libra, which blesses all relationships. Keep reading to see what all of this means for your star sign.
In this story:
Jump ahead to each section and read about major dates, planetary transits, and each sign’s unique predictions.
August 2024 Horoscope Overview
Welcome to August and the dog days of summer. It’s a month for unwinding and healing, especially in efforts to offset the influence of Mercury retrograde. The communication planet starts its backward dance on Sunday, August 4. During the next few weeks, expect the usual travel delays, exes in your DMs, and communication mishaps.
Rather than stressing about this retrograde, try to see it as a cosmic call for self-care. Also on Sunday, August 4, Venus, the ruler of beauty, love, and money, moves into healing Virgo. This transit reminds you to be gentle with yourself in all areas of your life. In case the fourth wasn’t exciting enough, it also brings a new moon, a time for fresh starts, in lush Leo, the sign of cat naps and pampering. It all adds up to the message that if you change your perspective, things like Mercury retrograde stop being stressful and rather become a call for rest and self-care.
Juno, the asteroid of commitment, moves into relationship-oriented Libra on Friday, August 9. This is a romantic transit that sees the deepening of relationships: People find their new best friends in acquaintances; casual romances evolve into something deeper. Just make sure to practice patience as to best nurture these evolving partnerships. On Wednesday, August 14, Mercury retrograde moves into Leo, and as a result, potentially leads to people showing up late to dates, missing text messages, or saying the wrong thing. Try not to take it personally and to give people the benefit of the doubt.
Rather than overload your to-do lists, ensure that they’re actually manageable—and include wellness rituals.
This feels true for any day these days, but the full moon in Aquarius on Monday, August 19, could be intense politically. Full moons are always a bit high-stress, so it’s a great day for logging off and taking it easy. When the sun moves into healing Virgo on Thursday, August 22, self-care is the name of the game. Virgos have a reputation for being busy perfectionists, but it’s so much easier to get things done when you’re rested. Rather than overload your to-do lists, ensure that they’re actually manageable—and include wellness rituals.
Astrologically significant asteroids are busy toward the end of the month. First, Vesta, the asteroid of spirituality, also moves into caring Virgo, encouraging you to connect with your divine self, whether that’s through working with ancestors, tarot cards, or even putting on a fancy hat and going to church. Then, on Monday, August 26, Ceres, the asteroid of nurturance, ends its retrograde and goes direct in Capricorn. Capricorn doesn’t like to mess around, so take this transit as a call to fully work with your spiritual side, whatever that means for you.
And breathe a sigh of relief. Mercury retrograde ends on Wednesday, August 28. Phew! Travel goes more smoothly, exes go back where they belong, and communication becomes easier. Then, the month winds down with pretty Venus moving into its home sign of relationship-oriented Libra on Thursday, August 29, blessing all relationships with love from the planet of love. The end of August sees the forward momentum you’ve been hoping for all month truly occurring. Enjoy, and we’ll see you in September.
Important Astrological Dates in August 2024
Here are the major dates you’ll want to keep an eye on this month, no matter your astrological sign.
Important dates in August 2024:
Sunday, August 4: Venus enters Virgo
Sunday, August 4: Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo
Sunday, August 4: New moon in Leo
Friday, August 9: Juno enters Libra
Wednesday, August 14: Mercury retrograde enters Leo
Monday, August 19: Full moon in Aquarius
Thursday, August 22: Sun enters Virgo
Saturday, August 24: Vesta enters Virgo
Monday, August 26: Mercury goes direct in Leo
Thursday, August 29: Venus enters Libra
August 2024 Monthly Horoscopes by Zodiac Sign:
Not sure what your sun sign is? Here’s a quick refresher of the dates for each. Click a specific zodiac sign below to open up your August 2024 horoscope and see what’s in store for you this month, or keep scrolling for an overview of all the signs.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Early in August, caring Venus moves into your 6th House, indicating that investing in self-care, including lush beauty routines, is wise. And make sure to get enough rest. Mercury goes retrograde this month, so beware of the usual travel delays and communication mishaps. As the backward dance spends some time in your erotic 5th House, be ready to practice patience to avoid misunderstandings with lovers. However, as Juno, the asteroid of commitment, influences partnerships, you’ll most likely overcome any mishaps and be able to advance the relationship. Connect with friends during the Aquarius full moon, and when the sun enters Virgo, continue to prioritize self-care. As Mercury goes direct at the end of the month, this becomes more accessible. Read your full August horoscope here, Aries.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
With loving emphasis on your 6th House of Health, this month emphasizes the importance of rest and self-care. You’re a luxurious sign, Taurus, and you must honor that. Mercury goes retrograde, and while you’ll want to be aware of that to plan for travel delays, typos, and the possibility of exes sliding in your DMs, you don’t need to sweat it. When the sun moves into perfectionist Virgo, it also lights up your pleasurable 5th House, reminding you to balance out your to-do lists. You’re most productive when you feel rested and cared for. Toward the end of the month, you may catch yourself being a bit too hard on yourself, so remember to take a deep breath and treat yourself like you would a friend. Plus, there’s an abundant full moon in your 10th House of Social Status, indicating that welcome career news could arrive. Read your full August horoscope here, Taurus.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Your ruling planet, trickster Mercury, goes retrograde this month. To make the usual hiccups that come along with this more manageable, make a promise that, in addition to being gentle with yourself, try to be as honest as possible. Any small lies could come back to bite you. Additionally, you may feel some shifts within your relationships, in particular, romances. Some Geminis will want to take things to the next level, as lovers start to feel like family, while others will have to do the difficult but necessary task of being honest that they only feel lukewarm about someone. If you’re confused about a situation, a great time to gain clarity comes during the Aquarius full moon. July is about rethinking what makes you feel secure, which, despite your air sign personality, you deserve. Read your full August horoscope here, Gemini.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Messenger Mercury goes retrograde early in August. For the next few weeks, allow extra travel time, be patient about communication mishaps, and beware of internet outages. However, it’s a vibrant and interesting month that will keep you too busy to fret about Mercury’s backward dance. There’s also a dark new moon, the time of new beginnings, in your lush 2nd House. This lunation pushes you to turn a creative dream into a reality. The stars have your back. There’s also a powerful full moon in your sexy 8th House, which could point to passionate sex or explosive arguments, so it’s okay to focus on pleasure and put off heavy conversations. Additionally, to deal with Mercury retrograde annoyances, it’s helpful to learn to see such challenging cosmic shifts as an opportunity for rest. Read your full August horoscope here, Cancer.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Sigh, you must pass the torch to Virgo this month, Leo. However, fear not. It’s a super creative month. And, with the sun in your opulent 2nd House, there are even opportunities, within the confines of our economy, of course, to monetize your creativity. Mercury goes retrograde early in the month. While you should stay aware of the potential travel delays, technological troubles, or communication mishaps, if a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity comes your way, don’t let a pesky Mercury retrograde stand in your way. You’re thinking about boundaries thanks to moves from Juno, the asteroid of commitment. You’re a very generous sign. However, are you receiving as much as you give? You must honor the fact that you’re a majestic lion who needs lots of attention and cat naps. Also, the sky lights up with a bright full moon in your romantic 7th House, turning your attention to your relationship. Read your full August horoscope here, Leo.
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Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Mercury goes retrograde this month. As it’s your ruling planet, these backward dances do impact you. However, as lush Venus moves into your sign on the same day Mercury retrogrades, you feel motivated despite any hiccups. Just know early August is best for plotting and planning rather than taking direct action. As an analytical Virgo, you can be prone to anxiety and overthinking, which Mercury retrograde amplifies. Combat this with self-soothing and celebration. After all, Virgo season begins this month! Happy solar return. Additionally, as Vesta, the asteroid of spirituality, moves into your sign, it’s a lovely month to work with tarot or ancestors. And, while early August is stressful, when Mercury goes direct and Venus moves into your opulent 2nd House, it’s easy to take action to get what you want. Read your full August horoscope here, Virgo.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
This month, thanks to influences on your 4th House of Home and Family and 11th House of Friendship, you’re thinking about things like chosen family and the pressure of parenthood. But this doesn’t have to be overwhelming. See August as an opportunity to have fun with those you love the most. However, Mercury goes retrograde, so don’t be surprised if people, including yourself, arrive a little late to such plans. There’s also an Aquarius full moon in your pleasurable 5th House, indicating passionate, hot sex or whatever form of intimacy makes you feel adored. And, when Virgo season begins, the next few weeks are a highly psychic and intuitive time. Consider keeping a dream journal by your bed to write down messages that come to you while you sleep. Read your full August horoscope here, Libra.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
You might feel overwhelmed when friends come to you early in the month for emotional support. Are they giving enough back? Early August also marks the start of Mercury retrograde. If you feel overwhelmed, you’re allowed to implement boundaries. While you don’t want to hurt anyone, remember you have a stringer for a reason. This month brings a new moon, the time for beginnings, in your determined 10th House, indicating professional opportunities. However, you’re also spending a lot of time contemplating what family means to you. Whether you want to quit your job to start your own or have no desire to have kids as you’re ambitious and like your social life and sleep as is, it’s hard to win in our society. Take time to reflect on, and then honor, your true desires, knowing that there’s no wrong answer. Read your full August horoscope here, Scorpio.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Mercury begins one of its infamous retrogrades this month. As a result, to avoid getting frustrated, just make your to-do lists slightly shorter than usual, including adding self-soothing activities. With opulent Venus moving into your 10th House of Social Status early in the month, you’ll still be presented with opportunities as long as you self-soothe. You’re also thinking about your friend group this month. It’s okay to invest more time into those dearest to your heart and cut off any fakers. There’s a bright full moon in your 3rd House of Communication. And, coupled with Mercury retrograde, this date could leave you frazzled, so enjoy some rest. At the end of the month, Mercury goes direct, making life flow more manageable. Plus, the sun also moves into your ambitious 10th House, helping you feel accomplished despite any slowdowns that occurred during Mercury’s backward dance. Read your full August horoscope here, Sagittarius.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
You might feel slowed down, especially earlier in August, as Mercury goes retrograde. This will be frustrating for your driven Capricorn self, as your schedule is jam-packed, whether you’re traveling or just zipping around town for work. It’s imperative to schedule time for rest and self-care and try to start the habit of finding peace even while waiting in traffic. Despite Mercury retrograde, there’s a full moon in your abundant 2nd House that indicates you could receive welcome financial news or professional gain. When Virgo season begins, the sun moves into your 9th House, indicating that the next few weeks continue to be bustling and likely will include travel, in addition to being profoundly spiritual. And, towards the end of the month, Mercury retrograde ends, and Venus plots to elevate your social status. Read your full August horoscope here, Capricorn.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
This month, you’re thinking about who deserves your valuable time and what relationships leave you feeling burnt out because people take more than they give. Mercury goes retrograde this month, so beware of exes sliding into your DMs, in addition to the usual communication mishaps or travel delays. It’s a spiritual month, so you may feel called to work with tarot or ancestors. And, if your intuition sets off an alarm or perceives stranger danger, listen to it. When the sun enters Virgo, you may feel interested in a makeover. It’s a lovely time for investing in beauty routines, self-care, or experimenting with your look. Additionally, Virgo season is also set to be super sexy. You’ve been warned, and when Mercury goes direct at the end of the month, exes return to their graves as long as you don’t engage. Read your full August horoscope here, Aquarius.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
One of the busiest days comes early in the month. Loving Venus moves into your 7th House, blessing relationships. The sky also goes dark with a new moon that begs you to take a look at your daily routine. Does it best serve your health? Plus, Mercury goes retrograde. Beware of travel delays, communication mishaps, and exes sliding into your DMs. However, be aware that, due to your tendency to want to hold onto relationships, you may be the ex reaching out. While it’s fine to be friends if it works, check in with yourself to see if you’re holding yourself back. By pouring energy into unheatlhy relationships, you hold yourself back from making healthier new ones. Virgo season, however, is excellent for your love life, indicating that you’re going to figure a lot out this month, Pisces. Read your full August horoscope here, Pisces.
Originally Appeared on Allure
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