Pritzker Touts Another Win as United Buys Green Fuel for O’Hare – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL31 July 2024Last Update :
Pritzker Touts Another Win as United Buys Green Fuel for O’Hare – MASHAHER

(Bloomberg) — J.B. Pritzker scored another win before Democrats meet in Chicago next month, with United Airlines Holdings Inc. becoming the first carrier to tap his tax credits to purchase green jet fuel for use at the city’s main airport.

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The Illinois Governor, seen as a possible running mate to Kamala Harris, has been touting his achievements in recent months, including securing an investment of more than $1 billion in quantum computing just this month. He is now at it again, with United tapping the state’s tax credit to buy as many as 1 million gallons of sustainable aviation fuel that will be used at O’Hare International Airport in 2024.

Pritzker is trying to position his state as a center for new technologies from electric vehicles and batteries to quantum computing and green fuels. The Democratic National Convention taking place in Chicago from Aug. 19-22 will allow the billionaire governor to showcase his political achievements, which include bringing the party’s gathering to the third-largest US city.

“Since day one as governor, I’ve committed to making Illinois a national leader in sustainability and clean energy,” Pritzker said in a statement on Wednesday, explaining why he backed a tax credit for sustainable aviation fuel, or SAF.

Pritzker, an heir to the Hyatt Hotel fortune, has avoided answering questions about whether he is being considered for the role of vice president. But in an interview with CNN earlier this month, he said it would be “hard to resist a call and consideration” if he was asked to. The Illinois governor has also been cited as a potential presidential candidate in 2028.

The governor, which recently posted a video on X boasting about his achievements, introduced a tax credit of $1.50 for every gallon of green jet fuel sold to or used by an air carrier in the state. United’s deal to purchase SAF from Finland’s Neste Oyj for use at O’Hare marks the first time the credit is being tapped. The first shipment is expected to arrive in August.

SAF is one of the few pathways the aviation industry has at its disposal to curb its carbon footprint, which accounts for about 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Investments in green jet fuel are picking up in the US following new incentives that increase the value of the biofuel. O’Hare is the world’s fourth busiest airport.

“While the market for SAF is still in its infancy, there is a huge opportunity today for airlines and policymakers to work together to support its continued growth,” United President Brett Hart said in the statement.

–With assistance from Tarso Veloso.

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