Dalljiet Kaur, known for her roles in Indian television, is currently grappling with heartbreak after her husband, Nikhil Patel, was spotted at Mumbai airport with his new girlfriend, Safeena Nazar. The news, reported by Telly Talk India, has left Dalljiet devastated, as she shared her feelings in an emotional Instagram post. Dalljiet’s marriage with Nikhil had been under scrutiny following allegations of infidelity, and this recent development seems to confirm her worst fears.
Dalljiet Kaur devastated after husband Nikhil Patel seen with new girlfriend in Mumbai: “No words…”
Public Reaction and Personal Pain
In a heartfelt Instagram story, Dalljiet shared screenshots of the report and expressed her deep sorrow, writing, “No words…just tears that won’t stop…” She also reposted a message from her PR manager, Ash Parmar, who criticized Nikhil’s actions and accused him of marrying Dalljiet for her fame. Dalljiet’s response highlighted the difficulty of moving on from a marriage that held significant emotional value, not only for her but also for her loved ones who had celebrated the union.
Support from Friends and Fans
Ash Parmar’s post resonated with many, as he pointed out the damage caused by Nikhil’s alleged actions. He wrote, “It seems you married @kaurdalljiet not out of genuine affection but to elevate your own status. In doing so, you not only dashed her hopes of a fulfilling second chance at love, but also crushed a child’s dreams of having a positive father figure.” His statement emphasized the broader implications of Nikhil’s actions, affecting not just Dalljiet but also her family and close friends.
A Call for Respect and Integrity
Dalljiet expressed gratitude towards Ash and others who supported her during this difficult time. She acknowledged the challenge of dealing with such a betrayal and emphasized the importance of genuine care and respect in relationships. Her emotional messages struck a chord with many of her followers, who rallied around her, offering words of encouragement and solidarity.
A Painful Chapter in Dalljiet’s Life
Dalljiet Kaur’s past has seen its share of ups and downs, including a previous marriage to Bigg Boss 16 contestant Shalin Bhanot. This recent revelation about Nikhil Patel has added another layer of pain to her personal life. As Dalljiet navigates this challenging period, her fans and friends continue to support her, hoping she finds the strength to heal and move forward.
Also Read: Dalljiet Kaur visits Kenya to meet her ‘girl squad’ after her separation from entrepreneur Nikhil Patel
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