In an era when quintessential Bollywood stars were sceptical about playing grey characters and antagonists, Sanjay Dutt broke the trend by taking up a role away from his comfort zone in the 1993 drama Khalnayak, co-starring Madhuri Dixit and Jackie Shroff. From the music to the scenes to the dialogue, the film continues to be one of the most celebrated Bollywood classics. As it turns 31 on August 6, Tuesday, filmmaker and the original ‘showman’ Subhash Ghai opened up about the film and the love OG character Ballu Balram has received over the years.
31 years of Khalnayak: Subhash Ghai reflects on the film’s success; says, “It’s a reminder of the power of cinema and how it can transcend time”
The character Ballu has clearly left an impact with references being made to Sanjay Dutt and his avatar even today. On the 31st anniversary, Subhash Ghai opened up about the film and its success as he said, “The love and admiration for Khalnayak even after three decades is humbling. It’s a reminder of the power of cinema and how it can transcend time. Ballu Balram remains relevant because he embodies the eternal struggle between good and evil within us all.”
Reflecting on the film’s impact, Subhash Ghai expressed gratitude and shared, “I am beyond grateful to the audiences for their endless love towards the characters, songs and everything about the film after thirty-one years of its release. Needless to say, ‘Ballu Balram’ went onto become the most iconic character in the history of Indian cinema and stands tall with pride even today as the references from the film are drawn from across the globe, all this because of the audience’s love.”
Speaking of the film, it also featured Anupam Kher, Rakhee, Ramya Krishnan, among others in key roles. The plot focuses on the escape and attempted capture of criminal Ballu by sub-Inspector Ram and his cop girlfriend Ganga, who decides to go undercover to fulfil this risky mission, risking her life and relationship.
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More Pages: Khalnayak Box Office Collection
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