Apple gave users the first real taste of its Apple Intelligence features with the release of the iOS 18.1 developer beta last month. Writing Tools, which lets you reformat or rewrite text using Apple’s AI models, is one of the new always-available services in this update. But the tool will show you a message notifying you that AI-generated suggestions might not be of the highest quality when tackling certain topics.
You can call up Apple Intelligence pretty much anywhere across the system when you need to rejig text. However, when you try to rewrite a paragraph or a sentence that has swear words, including “sh**” and “bastard,” you will see a warning saying, “Writing Tools was not designed to handle this type of content,” with a header text warning that the quality of rewriting may vary.
Some other users have noticed this, too. At times, it fails to return a rewritten sentence that keeps the tone of the writing.
No, Apple Intelligence.
NO.— Alvin (@sondesix) July 30, 2024
Swear words are not the only time this warning shows up. Mentions of drugs, killing, or murder will also bring up this warning.
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