The set of the much-anticipated film Welcome to the Jungle, directed by Ahmed Khan and produced by Firoz Nadiadwallah, has suffered significant damage due to the intense rainfall in Mumbai. The production team had built a massive set to kickstart their marathon shooting schedule from the first week of August, featuring all 34 leading actors and an additional song sequence for the movie. However, the unexpected monsoon deluge has created a setback, delaying the shoot.
Set of Welcome to the Jungle damaged by heavy rainfall, director Ahmed Khan pushes for quick reconstruction: “It is unfortunate that…”
Efforts to reconstruct and resume shooting
Despite this unplanned delay, the entire crew is working tirelessly to reconstruct the mammoth set. Director Ahmed Khan has taken a decisive creative call to recommence filming as soon as the set is ready. “It is unfortunate that a portion of the set got damaged due to the heavy rainfall in Mumbai. So as a creative call, I have decided to begin the shoot once the set is reconstructed. The crew is endlessly working on rebuilding the set and hopefully, we will begin the shoot soon,” shared Ahmed Khan.
Impact of Mumbai’s torrential rains
Mumbai has been experiencing torrential monsoons over the past few weeks, bringing life to a standstill and causing significant disruptions. The film’s set, constructed with precision for critical portions of the shoot, was not spared from the havoc wreaked by the rains. However, the filmmakers are committed to overcoming this challenge and are putting together a huge set once again to ensure the completion of the film as planned.
Continuing the production against odds
Base Industries Group presents Welcome to the Jungle, produced by Firoz A. Nadiadwala and directed by Ahmed Khan. Despite the setback caused by the heavy rainfall, the filmmakers are determined to push through and resume shooting at the earliest opportunity. Fans eagerly await the resumption of filming and the eventual release of the highly anticipated movie.
Also Read: Akshay Kumar and team of Welcome to the Jungle with 1200 crew members to kick off month-long marathon schedule in Kashmir
More Pages: Welcome To The Jungle Box Office Collection
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