Footage and clips from several unreleased Netflix anime shows, including some full episodes, have leaked online after hackers stole the content from one of the company’s post-production partners. The Netflix titles include “Arcane” Season 2 and “Terminator Zero.”
“One of our post-production partners has been compromised and footage from several of our titles has unfortunately leaked online,” a Netflix spokesperson said in a statement to Variety. “Our team is aggressively taking action to have it taken down.”
In addition to “Arcane” S2 and “Terminator Zero,” content from other Netflix titles has appeared on X and 4Chan, according to IGN, which first reported the leaks. Those include “Dandadan,” “Ranma 1/2,” “Heartstopper” Season 3, “Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld,” and films “Plankton: The Movie” and “Spellbound.” Content from Crunchyroll also was compromised in the hack, including “Re: Zero.”
Sources said the partner in question is Iyuno, a media-localization service provider based in Burbank, Calif. In a statement released Friday, Aug. 9, the company said, “Iyuno is aware of a recent security issue, involving unauthorized access to confidential content. Protecting our clients’ confidentiality and ensuring the security of their content is our highest priority. We are actively investigating this security breach to mitigate any potential risks and identify the responsible parties. When there are material changes or information we will make further statements.”
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