Sanjay Singh, the WFI chief, said that the wrestlers’ protest was the major reason why India could not win enough medals in Paris Olympics 2024. India had sent a six-member contingent, but it was only Aman Sehrawat, who finished on the podium after he won the bronze medal in the men’s 57kg category.
Singh, who had taken over from Brij Bhushan Singh as the WFI chief last December, said that the wrestlers could not get enough time to prepare for the showpiece event due to the tensions created by the protests that carried on for around a year.
“If you look at it from the other angle, the protests that took place for 14-15 months, the entire wrestling fraternity was disturbed. Let alone one category, the wrestlers in other category struggled as they could not practice without national and international tournaments. Hence, the wrestlers could not perform well,” Sanjay Singh told India Today.
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