The Amar Kaushik directed Stree 2 is continuing with its phenomenal run at the box office in India. After collecting Rs. 64.8 crores on the opening day (including paid previews), Stree 2 has collected in the range of Rs. 31 to 32 crores on the second day. The figures may end up higher depending on footfalls for night shows. This takes the two-day total collection to Rs. 96 crores.
The film is doing outstanding business in the multiplexes and to everyone’s surprise, even the single screens have come on board to support the film. Stree 2 will enter the Rs. 100 crore club in 3 days flat and even score an entry in the Rs. 150 crore club in 4 days flat.
Stree 2 re-establishes the fact that horror comedy is the genre in demand in today’s time and it’s probably the only genre that doesn’t warrant the presence of a superstar. The film is an epic blockbuster and all the eyes are now on the film to see if it can hit the Rs. 400 crore club by the end of its run or not.
The film is running a one-horse race at the box office during the Independence Day weekend as the two competitors are nowhere in the running.
More Pages: Stree 2 Box Office Collection , Stree 2 Movie Review
Source Agencies