Southern Highlands resident confronts alleged thief in home driveway – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL17 August 2024Last Update :
Southern Highlands resident confronts alleged thief in home driveway – MASHAHER

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) – Concerns continue to rise from residents in a Southern Highlands neighborhood regarding car thefts and break-ins.

Longtime resident at the Bella Vicenza gated community, Jason Mann told 8 News Now he confronted a man, who tried to break into his truck near Cactus Avenue and Valley View Boulevard.

There were eight stitches in Mann’s arm, along with scratches, from the glass where the confrontation escalated.

Mann is now recovering after his truck was broken into for the third time and it was captured on his Ring camera.
“I ran outside. He was there in a rush. He shut his door, and I just instantly punched the window out now I think about it, Mann said. ‘I’m like I should’ve done that, he might have a gun or a knife. But I just was like this isn’t happening again.’’
Additional residents living in the community, as well as the surrounding areas, say the car vandals and break-ins are not stopping.

Concerns continue to rise from residents in a Southern Highlands neighborhood regarding car thefts and break-ins. (KLAS)

Concerns continue to rise from residents in a Southern Highlands neighborhood regarding car thefts and break-ins. (KLAS)

“We posted on the ring app to let everyone else know and there’s so many other people saying he was in my truck three days ago and they have a picture of the same Van,” Mann added. “Someone just posted yesterday that they saw the same guy on Dean Martin and Valley View, seeing this car, how come the cops aren’t seeing this car how come he’s not arrested yet?”
Mann’s wife Amber posted the video to social media and said the neighborhood is rallying together after this latest incident. Many are hoping that all law enforcement will take notice.

Concerns continue to rise from residents in a Southern Highlands neighborhood regarding car thefts and break-ins. (KLAS)Concerns continue to rise from residents in a Southern Highlands neighborhood regarding car thefts and break-ins. (KLAS)

Concerns continue to rise from residents in a Southern Highlands neighborhood regarding car thefts and break-ins. (KLAS)

“Our next-door neighbors are putting cameras up this weekend,” Amber Mann said. “We’re just going to be a little bit vigilant, and you know try to stay on the police to see if they do anything and stay on top of the HOA but I don’t know if there’s anything we can do.”
The Manns did file a police report with LVMPD, in hopes that the thief will be caught, and the break-ins will stop.
As for security footage, the Manns told 8 News Now that police and the homeowners association are currently reviewing it to see exactly how the man entered the gated community.

“You think you’re safe in the Southern Highlands and in a gated community, yet these thieves are getting right in. How did he get in at 3 a.m.?” Jason Mann added.

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