Chiyaan Vikram’s ‘Thangalaan’ saw a drop in its collection on Friday. The film earned around Rs 4 crore on its second day at the box office, taking the total of two days to Rs 17.30 crore nett, reported the trade website Sacnilk.
The film opened well with Rs 13.3 crore on Independence Day. However, the collection was expected to drop on Friday, considering it was a working day. Business is now likely to rise up from Saturday again with the film getting a good response on social media.
Check the day-wise box office breakup of ‘Thangalaan’ after 2 days – nett collection (source: sacnilk)
- Thursday: Rs 13.3 crore
- Friday: Rs 4 crore
- Total: Rs 17.30 crore
‘Thangalaan’ is not a regular masala entertainer. It’s a period drama which stars Vikram in a never-seen-before avatar. The film was never supposed to impress instantly. It was always about delivering solid content to attract the audience to theatres.
Directed by Pa Ranjith, it is expected to earn around Rs 35-40 crore nett by the end of its extended first weekend at the box office. The business is lower than Vikram’s previous hit film ‘Ponniyin Selvan-II’, which opened at Rs 25 crore nett in the Tamil market alone.
Apart from Vikram, ‘Thangalaan’ also features Malvika Mohanan, Pasupathy, Daniel Caltagirone, Parvathy Thiruvothu and Sapath Ram, among others. The film is set in 1850 CE in Veppur village of North Arcot. The story of the film, co-written by Tamil Prabha and Pa Ranjith, is set in Kolar Gold Fields. ‘Thangalaan’ is produced by KE Gnanavel Raja.
Meanwhile, Vikram on Friday, announced the second part of ‘Thangalaan’. At an event in Hyderabad, the Tamil superstar met the fans and announced the sequel to the film. He said, “[Pa] Ranjith asked me to mention here that because you all liked ‘Thangalaan’ so much, we have discussed, and we want to do part 2 very soon.” More details on the same are awaited yet.
Source Agencies