Stolen Pickup Owner Fights Three Thieves And Wins – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL18 August 2024Last Update :
Stolen Pickup Owner Fights Three Thieves And Wins – MASHAHER

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Stolen Pickup Owner Fights Three Thieves And Wins

Stolen Pickup Owner Fights Three Thieves And Wins

Things are a little different in places like South Dakota versus Los Angeles or Philadelphia. Normally, we wouldn’t recommend confronting people stealing your vehicle, but a man in Sioux Falls didn’t just do that, he beat up the thieves taking his truck.

This fleeing motorcyclist should’ve dressed for the slide.

It was on July 8 that the unnamed victim left his pickup running to warm up at about 4:45 pm when it was stolen. We’re assuming it wasn’t exactly a new truck, but some thieves just can’t pass up something that’s so easy to steal.

According to Sioux Falls Police, the victim called and filed a stolen vehicle report. But at about 6 pm he spotted his pickup at a convenience store, so he walked up to it, seeing there were three men inside.

Those guys must’ve seen the victim and were spooked. They threw the transmission into reverse, almost plowing down the owner, who jumped into the bed to not get injured or worse.

From there, things turned worse as the driver took off at high speeds, swerving hard to try throwing the victim out of the payload. But this wasn’t the guy to mess with. The owner eventually punched out the rear window and reached inside to shut off the engine. While he was doing this, outnumbered, the thieves punched him repeatedly.

But the owner was able to turn off the truck and take the keys back. That’s when a full-blown fight of three on one erupted. The owner, probably mad as hell, put one guy in the hospital with serious head injuries. He was apparently the driver, say police.

The other two crooks got away, at least for now. But we wonder if they’ll think twice before stealing another man’s truck. After all, it sounds like they got a nice whooping for all their trouble.

Image via Tyler Rg/Facebook Marketplace

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