Acclaimed actor Adil Hussain, who played a supporting role in the controversial film Kabir Singh, has defended his decision to criticise the movie while clarifying that he did not intend to target the director, Sandeep Reddy Vanga. Hussain reiterated his stance on calling out misogyny and violence in films, explaining that he blames no one but himself for his involvement in Kabir Singh due to his failure to read the entire script before signing on.
Adil Hussain REACTS to Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s claim that Kabir Singh made him famous: “Is he more popular than Ang Lee?”
In an interview with India Today NE, Hussain was asked to respond to Vanga’s claims that a small role in Kabir Singh brought him more fame than the rest of his career. “How do I respond to that? Is Ang Lee less famous than him? Is Mira Nair less famous? Ang Lee was an Oscar-winner before Life of Pi,” he shared.
He highlighted the powerful influence of cinema and stated the responsibility of filmmakers to create content that is sensitive and appropriate for a mass audience. Adil asserted, “Cinema is a powerful medium, it can influence you deeply. In a country where they build statues of heroes and worship them, what sort of films do you want to make? You have to take into account the innocence and the intellectual level of the mass audience. If you make a movie that glorifies violence and misogyny, I will always retain my right to criticise you.”
Hussain acknowledged Vanga’s frustration with his criticism but maintained that he has never blamed the director for his involvement in the film. He explained, “I have said that it’s my fault that I didn’t read the script. I might give you 100 explanations about why I didn’t read the script. But they should not be counted. The fault lies with me. I should have read the script. I read my scene only, and I did the film. It’s my fault, and when I watched the film, I realised that I had made a big blunder.”
Speaking of the professional front, Adil was recently seen in Janhvi Kapoor’s Ulajh.
Also Read: Adil Hussain on Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal, “I haven’t seen it and I don’t intend to, I saw the trailer and it didn’t work for me”
More Pages: Kabir Singh Box Office Collection , Kabir Singh Movie Review
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