Community Rallies Around 6 Abandoned Golden Retriever Puppies and Changes Lives in 4 Hours – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL25 August 2024Last Update :
Community Rallies Around 6 Abandoned Golden Retriever Puppies and Changes Lives in 4 Hours – MASHAHER

A community in Texas stepped up to help six abandoned Golden Retriever puppies and were able to change lives in record time.

On August 21, 2024, Nueces County, Texas, shared that their anima service officers had found six abandoned Golden Retriever puppies at the beach. Here’s what happened.

Nueces County Animal Services praised the “power of community” as “amazing” after taking quick action to help abandoned puppies in their area.

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“Our office received a report for puppies that had been found by Coastal Parks in a very remote area of the beach,” the animal services team shared on Facebook. It didn’t take long for “multiple Nueces County employees” to “immediately” jump into action to help the dogs.

According to the social posts from both animal services and Nueces County, they believe the dogs to be around “3-4 months old” and are all Golden Retrievers. “They look healthy, and there are 6 of them,” the announcement explained, including several photos of the little but healthy-looking pups.

According to 3News, Scott Crass, a coastal parks director at Nueces County, explained that it took less than four hours for the dogs, which were found abandoned on the beach, to find new homes.

The Nueces County Animal Services confirmed this in their social post, noting that “several puppies found homes before our Officers arrived, and the remaining puppies have been brought into our shelter have all received adoption applications with their new families eager for them to come home when they complete their stray holds.”

Nueces County Animal Services took time to thank the community for all they did, noting that the community rallying around the small Golden Retriever puppies was incredible.

“THANK YOU to all who shared posts, called, and helped find homes for these pups,” they shared on Facebook. “We have closed applications for these pups, but we have plenty of other shelter pets who still need homes,” they added.

The social share also asked people to share any information they may have had about “how the puppies ended up on such a rural part of the beach,” but in a new update, they shared that the person responsible has been found.

“The person who abandoned the puppies has been identified, according to Animal Services officials,” 3News reported.

What Should You Do If You Come Across an Abandoned Puppy?

According to the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BC SPCA), if it’s safe to approach the dog, the first thing you should if you come across puppies who have been abandoned is to look for identification, such as a collar or ID tag.

“A collar or tag may have the animal’s home number or address. For dogs, some tags are municipal licenses and may not have the guardian’s contact information,” the agency writes.

From there, you should follow the same script as the animal shelter: post to social media.

“Post to social media: Take a quality photo of the animal and circulate it on your Facebook or [X] networks with the location in which it was found,” the BC SPCA suggests. “Encourage your friends to share the photo on their page.”

While you’re doing all that, you should contact your local animal service organization, such as the Humane Society or SPCA animal shelter.

Source Agencies

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