Paramount Animation and Hasbro Entertainment’s “Transformers One” will be the first movie to be released for Barco‘s new “HDR By Barco” laser projectors, kicking off a pre-release program for the Belgian cinema tech developer’s new HDR-capable premium line of theater systems.
In cooperation with AMC Theatres, B&B Theatres, and Regal Cinemas, a specially graded and mastered version of “Transformers One” will be shown in five newly-equipped HDR By Barco cinema auditoriums starting Sept. 20 when the movie opens wide in the U.S. The locations are AMC Americana at Brand 18 in Glendale; AMC Barrywoods 24 in Kansas City; B&B Theatres Red Oak 12 in Dallas; Regal Dania Pointe, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale; and Regal Times Square in New York.
The program (first announced with the projector unveiling at CinemaCon in April) runs thru the end of the year in advance of HDR By Barco’s commercial launch in 2025. Additional titles for the program are still to be announced.
Directed by Academy Award winner Josh Cooley, “Transformers One” is a stylized origin story set on the planet Cybertron (featuring animation by Industrial Light & Magic) that mixes action with the character-centric story of how a young Optimus Prime, voiced by Chris Hemsworth, and young Megatron, voiced by Brian Tyree Henry, go from best friends to mortal enemies.
“We’re thrilled to introduce HDR by Barco to North American audiences this fall,” said Gerwin Damberg, executive vice president of Barco Cinema. “HDR brings movies to life on screen with bright, dynamic images for a visually immersive experience. We’re grateful for the support of our studio partners like Paramount that share our passion for cinema and dedication to delivering unforgettable experiences for moviegoers.”
Source Agencies