Naga Chaitanya, who recently got engaged to Sobhita Dhulipala, has taken the internet by storm with a new video where he is seen dressed as a groom. The video, which quickly went viral, shows the actor arriving in a car, dressed in a white sherwani, accompanied by what appears to be his baraat. The sight of Chaitanya smiling and waving at the cameras while people danced to the beats of dhols around him has left fans both excited and perplexed.
Naga Chaitanya dresses as a groom, sparks buzz after engagement with Sobhita Dhulipala: Video goes viral
Fans React to the Viral Video
As soon as the clip surfaced online, social media platforms were filled with speculation. Many fans were curious about whether Naga Chaitanya was getting married again, especially since the video appeared shortly after his engagement to actress Sobhita Dhulipala. The timing of the video left many wondering about the nature of the event, adding to the intrigue surrounding the actor’s recent activities.
The truth behind the groom look
However, it was soon clarified that Naga Chaitanya’s groom-like appearance was not for a wedding but for the opening ceremony of a store in Hyderabad. The actor was reportedly dressed in traditional attire to mark the grand occasion, and the event was celebrated with the same festive spirit as a wedding, complete with music and dancing.
A new chapter in Chay’s life
This video comes shortly after Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala got engaged in an intimate ceremony on August 8, 2024. The engagement, held at Chaitanya’s home, was attended by close family members. The news was officially announced by Naga Chaitanya’s father, Nagarjuna, who expressed his joy and welcomed Sobhita into the family with heartfelt words. The couple also shared romantic pictures from their engagement, further delighting their fans.
Wedding bells on the horizon?
Rumors have also been swirling about a destination wedding for Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala, reportedly planned for 2025. While the couple has not confirmed these reports and fans are eagerly waiting for wedding details.
Also Read: Sobhita Dhulipala glows in engagement prep with Naga Chaitanya, opts for minimal elegance with blush pink Manish Malhotra saree, watch video
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