Kangana Ranaut has never been one to shy away from controversy, especially when it comes to her long-standing feud with filmmaker Karan Johar. This public spat began in 2017 during her appearance on his popular chat show Koffee With Karan, where she famously dubbed Johar the “flagbearer of nepotism” and the “movie mafia.” These comments set the tone for a relationship that has been marked by sharp exchanges and open criticism.
Kangana Ranaut calls Karan Johar “local villain” as she revisits infamous Koffee With Karan episode: “He is very snooty, very classist”
Revisiting the Koffee With Karan Episode
During the now-infamous episode of Koffee With Karan, Kangana Ranaut did not hold back in her criticism of Karan Johar. She even went so far as to suggest that if a biopic were ever made about her life, Johar would be portrayed as the villain. The actress’s comments shocked many, including Johar. Speaking of the same in a recent interview on The Lallantop, Kangana revealed that Johar’s reaction was one of surprise. “He knows what he has done. He is very snooty, very classist, and he was taken aback that I gave it back to him,” she stated.
For the unversed, Kangana appeared on the show alongside Saif Ali Khan to promote their film Rangoon. Her remarks on the show sparked widespread debate about nepotism in Bollywood, bringing the issue into the mainstream conversation.
Kangana’s Evolving Perspective on Karan Johar
Kangana Ranaut reflected on how her perception of Karan Johar has evolved since that episode. She now refers to Johar as a “local villain” in her life’s story but hinted that her narrative has since changed. “If my biopic is made now, there will be a bigger villain. There are bigger villains in my life now,” she explained, indicating that her struggles have grown beyond the sphere of her conflict with Johar.
Kangana’s statement suggests that her feud with Johar, while still significant, is no longer the central conflict in her life. Now a politician who recently won the Lok Sabha elections from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, Kangana seems to have her sights set on more significant challenges.
Coming to the professional front, Kangana is currently busy promoting her upcoming film Emergency. The political drama is slated to release on September 6.
Also Read: Karan Johar lauds Amitabh Bachchan’s aura: “That is true power. Magnetism”
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