Sharvari, who has been making waves in the film industry with back-to-back successful projects, recently shared a humorous yet humbling experience from her early days on set. During an interview with Curly Tales, the actress reminisced about the time she forgot her lines while shooting a scene with Bollywood icon Rani Mukerji for Bunty Aur Babli 2. Despite her nerves, the incident went unnoticed, thanks to an unexpected technical issue.
Sharvari reveals how she forgot her lines in front of Rani Mukerji during Bunty Aur Babli 2 shoot
A scene to remember
Recalling the moment, Sharvari described how she was filming a scene where she and Saif Ali Khan were seated at a breakfast table, and Rani Mukerji was to make her entrance. As Rani walked in and began her lines, Sharvari, awestruck by the seasoned actress, completely blanked out on her dialogue. “I was so awestruck at that point that I didn’t remember what my dialogue was,” she admitted with a laugh. Fortunately, a camera malfunction meant the scene had to be retaken, sparing her any embarrassment.
Sharvari’s growing success in Bollywood
Sharvari’s career has been on an upward trajectory since her experience on Bunty Aur Babli 2. She has been involved in several high-profile projects, including Munjya, Maharaj, and Vedaa. Her performances have consistently garnered attention, positioning her as one of Bollywood’s promising young stars.
Wrapping up in Kashmir
Sharvari has been keeping her fans updated with glimpses from the Alpha shoot, which recently wrapped up in the scenic locales of Kashmir. Her co-star Alia Bhatt and her daughter Raha Kapoor returned to Mumbai on September 1.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt shares enchanting glimpse of Alpha with Sharvari in picturesque Kashmir
More Pages: Bunty Aur Babli 2 Box Office Collection , Bunty Aur Babli 2 Movie Review
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