Ankita Lokhande recently took to Instagram to share a heartfelt note alongside renowned filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali, expressing her deep gratitude for his influence on her career. The Pavitra Rishta star posted a series of pictures featuring herself, her husband Vicky Jain, and Bhansali, sparking curiosity among her followers about a potential future project.
Ankita Lokhande pens heartfelt note as she poses with Sanjay Leela Bhansali, sparking speculation of a new project
A tribute to Bhansali’s influence
In her heartfelt note, Ankita shared her admiration for Bhansali’s dedication, describing his passion and vision as a source of inspiration. She wrote, “I’m overwhelmed with emotions and gratitude, and words fail me as I try to express what I feel for you and your incredible craft. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me and for providing a platform to share my thoughts and feelings.” The actress credited Bhansali’s mentorship and guidance as crucial in shaping her artistic journey.
Speculation about a new collaboration
The heartfelt tone of Ankita’s post has led to widespread speculation about a possible collaboration between the actress and the filmmaker. Fans were quick to notice the connection between the two, and many are eagerly awaiting news of a potential new project.
Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations
In addition to sharing her gratitude for Bhansali, Ankita also posted about her recent Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations. She looked stunning in a royal blue saree, while her husband Vicky Jain complemented her in a traditional white kurta-pyjama. The couple celebrated the festival with their family, offering fans a glimpse into their festive moments.
Also Read: Ankita Lokhande shares heartwarming Sri Lanka adventure video with her Mom
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