Priyanka Chopra recently took a trip down memory lane as she revisited a venue that holds significant personal and professional importance. The global star joined her husband, singer Nick Jonas, and their daughter Malti Marie, at the Jonas Brothers’ concert in London. This venue, known today as The O2 Arena, was once the Millennium Dome, where Priyanka was crowned Miss World in 2000. In an Instagram post, Priyanka shared her emotional connection to the venue and revealed a memorable moment from her Miss World crowning.
Priyanka Chopra returns to Miss World 2000 venue for Nick Jonas’ concert with Malti Marie: “Such a full circle”
Reflecting on Miss World 2000
Sharing new photos from Nick Jonas’ birthday concert, Priyanka reflected on her experience 24 years ago. She wrote, “I was crowned Miss World at this arena 24 years ago. It was called the Millennium Dome back then. I’ll never forget my little 18-year-old, excited, nervous, and competitive self, trying to look and be the best I could be.”
Priyanka also recounted a humorous yet stressful wardrobe malfunction during the competition. She revealed, “A memory I will never forget from November 30th, 2000, is the feeling of balancing on pencil heels with a gorgeous Hemant Trivedi dress that was falling off the entire evening because my body tape would not stay on, as I was sweating so much from nerves.”
She even joked about her famous post-win “namaste” pose, admitting, “If you google the pictures, after I win, I look like I’m doing a namaste in gratitude, but I’m actually desperately trying to keep my dress up.”
A Full-Circle Moment for the Chopra-Jonas Family
For Priyanka, this return to the same venue was not just a personal trip down memory lane but a full-circle moment. As she watched Nick Jonas perform with their daughter Malti Marie by her side, she expressed how life had brought her back to a place so meaningful to her past. “To be back here watching my husband and his brothers perform with my daughter, family, and friends is such a full circle. Life has been good. Gratitude,” Priyanka shared.
A Heartwarming Family Moment
Amid the nostalgia, fans were also treated to heartwarming family photos. One of the highlights was an adorable picture of Malti Marie closing her eyes as Priyanka and Nick shared a kiss. The image quickly gained attention, with fans commenting on how endearing the family looked.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra shares sweet kiss with Nick Jonas on his birthday during London concert
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