“…will destroy the country!”
“…is a threat to democracy…has to be eliminated!”
“…is an existential threat to democracy.”
“…destroying our country-both from the inside and out.”
“…Hates America”
“It’s called the enemy from within. They are the real threat.”
“Time to put…in the bulls-eye.”
Yes, I’m going to “both sides” this, because it IS both sides. It is unAmerican, and it is dangerous, and it must stop. Can you imagine we are at a point in the nation where an organized political party, the New Hampshire Libertarian Party, puts on a social media platform, “Anyone who murders Kamala Harris would be an America hero,” and then gets people cheering on the statement and sending them money? By the way, supporters of that violent call, that’s not free speech. If I told someone, “If you murder my husband you’ll be my hero.” and they do, I’m going to prison, rightfully so. I’m glad the FBI visited the moron who posted it.
All the language — thousands of comments from elected and wanna-be elected and politicos with large platforms from all political spectrums — are making our country dangerous. It’s why Donald Trump has had two attempts on his life; it’s why dozens of bomb threats have been called into Springfield, Ohio; it’s why election official in 15 states have been sent suspicious packages; it’s why Georgia’s Shaye Moss and her mother Ruby Freeman live in fear after innumerable threats on them following the 2020 election. The lies. The hate. The division. The incendiary language. It has to stop and not one political party or it’s registrants get to claim some moral authority on this issue, because both sides are engaging in it. I see it in my email box almost every week. I’ve been told I hate women, I hate America. I even apparently hate myself. Why is “hate” such a pervasive word these days? Because our “leaders,” many quoted above, are spreading it.
I don’t think those I politically disagree with hate America. I think they have a different view for it. I think that’s what America is and is intended to be. A nation with a government built specifically … specifically … to be run by people of differing views; from different perspectives; representing separate parts of the country, in order to find consensus amidst disagreement in order to represent the masses.
I don’t think either Kamala Harris and the Democrats, nor Donald Trump and the Republicans are threats to the existence of our nation and her democracy. Because, the United States of America is bigger than any politician or political party. She is bigger than any policy disagreement or political belief system. She is a belief itself. We the people, must go back to believing in that.
Over and over again, America has withstood “threats” to our systems. And over and over again, America and thereby Americans have prevailed. Every single time. Saying otherwise is not true and yet, continues to sow the seeds of anger and hatred that has seeped through our society as though it is normal, let alone acceptable. It is neither.
Being patriotic is not supporting one politician or political party. Being patriotic is supporting the brilliance of this nation, as created by our forefathers. It is knowing, that, thanks to them, if we don’t like the results of an election, we can vote again in two or four years. It’s knowing that there is a “redo” button, the next election. It’s knowing that our system of government has checks and balances, so we can all be represented in some protective manner. It’s understanding that our government is our choice. Collectively. Sure, that means sometimes a bunch of us will be on the losing side. But, we have to accept that that simply means more people disagreed with us than agreed that time around and do better at persuading people to our side of issues the next time. What’s not a persuasive strategy? Hate. Despair. Division. And yet, that seems to be the leading message on the campaign trails from nearly everyone.
Why do Democrats think it’s a “go to” to insult Melania Trump for her modeling career? Why is Sarah Huckabee Sanders swiping at Harris for not having biological children? (I’m a step-mom, go pound sand.) How do either of those statements persuade voters? They don’t. It’s just hateful rhetoric.
After every bad thing happens, whether it’s assassination attempts or threats against elected officials in the form of calls or mail or postings, everyone criticizes the temperature of political rhetoric, but then blames the other side for doing it. Which is, unto itself, dangerous political rhetoric. Just stop.
I cannot wait until this election is over and regardless of the results I know a few things: The election will be secure and the results will be fair and accurate; our democracy will remain intact; and no matter how bumpy the ride may be over the next few years, America is and will continue to be a “shining city on a hill”… even if we have to polish it up a little bit.
Alicia Preston Xanthopoulos is a former political consultant and member of the media. She’s a native of Hampton Beach where she lives with her family and two poodles. Write to her at [email protected].
This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Commentary: Enough is enough with the hateful political rhetoric
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