In a surprising turn of events, Laapataa Ladies has been selected as India’s official entry for the 2025 Oscars. Directed by Kiran Rao and produced by Aamir Khan, the film emerged as a winner from a competitive list of 29 shortlisted films, including big-budget blockbusters like Animal and Kalki 2898 AD. BJP MP and actor Ravi Kishan, who plays a key role in the film, expressed his disbelief and joy upon hearing the news, stating, “This is my first film that has made an entry in the Oscars… I never thought that.”
Ravi Kishan expresses shock as Laapataa Ladies beats Kalki 2898 AD and Animal to become India’s Oscar 2025 entry
Kishan on the film’s social impact
Kishan believes the film, which takes a comedic look at patriarchal society, holds significant value beyond entertainment. “This movie teaches a lot of things. It is a book in itself,” he said. He further advocated for the re-release of Laapataa Ladies in theatres and suggested it should be made tax-free to ensure wider viewership, given its important social message. The actor’s excitement is palpable, as he credits the entire team, especially director Kiran Rao and co-producer Aamir Khan, for the film’s unexpected success.
A victory against blockbusters
What makes this achievement even more striking is that Laapataa Ladies beat out major blockbusters like Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal and Nag Ashwin’s Kalki 2898 AD. These films boasted star-studded casts, including Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, and Prabhas, yet it was Rao’s thought-provoking film that took the spotlight. The film also surpassed Cannes winner All We Imagine As Light and Malayalam National Award-winning Aattam.
Kiran Rao grateful for the honour
Director Kiran Rao expressed her gratitude after learning of the film’s selection for the Oscars. “It is indeed a great privilege to be selected from among such amazing Indian films this year,” she said. Rao thanked the entire cast and crew, as well as Aamir Khan Productions and Jio Studios, for supporting her vision. She emphasized the collaborative effort behind the film’s success, calling the journey “one of incredible collaboration and growth.”
Gaining popularity post-Netflix release
Although Laapataa Ladies performed modestly at the box office during its theatrical release, it gained widespread recognition after its debut on Netflix. The film’s thematic depth and engaging storytelling earned it critical acclaim, resonating with audiences worldwide. The movie was even screened by the Supreme Court of India as part of its 75th anniversary celebrations, aimed at raising gender awareness among its employees.
Also Read: Ravi Kishan defends Bhojpuri language; says, “People have this notion that only songs like Kamariya and Lollipop Lagelu, is Bhojpuri”
More Pages: Laapataa Ladies Box Office Collection , Laapataa Ladies Movie Review
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