The heartfelt drama Laapataa Ladies, that seems to have surpassed the commercial blockbusters of Bollywood earlier this week, marking its official entry into the Oscars, has received a special tribute from Indian Railways. The film set in the early 2000s had trains playing a key role in the film’s plotline and now, the Ministry of Indian Railways has taken to the social media platform to not just congratulate the team on their recent selection but also shared a sweet tribute.
Laapataa Ladies gets a special tribute from Indian Railways after marking its official entry to the Oscars
Readers would be aware that Laapataa Ladies featured Nitanshi Goel and Pratibha Ranta as the new brides who are swapped during their train journey to their ‘sasural (in-laws’)’. Taking to the social media platform X, aka Twitter, the Ministry of Indian Railways shared a poster of Nitanshi as Phool and referenced to the famous romantic track from the film in its caption saying, “O sajni re… Bahut bahut badhai (Lots of best wishes)! Indian Railways is proud to be a part of such a wholesome movie.” The poster also read, “Connecting Hearts Forever. Congratulations Team Laapataa Ladies”.
O sajni re… Bahut bahut badhai! Indian Railways is proud to be a part of such a wholesome movie. #Oscars2025 #LaapataaLadies
— Ministry of Railways (@RailMinIndia) September 24, 2024
For the unversed, on Monday, the Film Federation of India announced the selection of this emotional drama as India’s official entry into the upcoming Academy Awards aka Oscars 2025.
Speaking of the film, Laapataa Ladies, directed by Kiran Rao, is a heartfelt drama which sends across a poignant message on women rights and empowerment. Set against the backdrop of rural India, the movie is set in the year 2001 and stars Pratibha Ranta, Nitanshi Goel, and Sparsh Srivastava in lead roles along with Ravi Kishan, Chhaya Kadam, Geeta Agarwal Sharma, among others in key supporting characters. The film released in theatres on March 1, and is currently available for streaming on Netflix.
Also Read: Aamir Khan pens note of gratitude as Laapataa Ladies gets selected for India’s entry to Oscars; actress Pratibha Ranta expresses happiness
More Pages: Laapataa Ladies Box Office Collection
, Laapataa Ladies Movie Review
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