Madalsa Sharma took the tough decision of quitting her show Anupama after four years, despite the ample popularity of her character Kavya. Stylish and independent, representing a stark contrast to the character of Anupama, Madalsa received a lot of love, but the actress revealed that she found herself lost in the show with many other characters and plotlines being introduced. And she is of the belief that if you are lost, it is always better to find yourself again with another character. While she is on the lookout for new and better projects, she revealed that she is using this ‘break time’ to take care of her mind and body.
EXCLUSIVE: Madalsa Sharma opens up about life after Anupama; reveals she is open to OTT but with ‘certain reservations about sex and nudity’
Opening about her life after Anupama, Madalsa Sharma confessed that it hasn’t been easy for her to arrive at this decision but believed that it was important for her personal growth. She said, “It was really difficult. Four years of association is a long time. But then, with so much new happening in the show and with the leaps, I found myself lost. So, it was time to take a sabbatical. And now I am using this time taking care of my body and mind, and of course keeping my eyes open for better prospects.”
Though she has parted ways with the show, she is thankful to the writers and makers for creating an iconic role like Kavya, who, despite her gray character, became everyone’s favorite for her strong opinion and independent self. She added, “For a long time, Indian serials have shown women in a stereotyped role—suppressed, opressed, and dominated by their males. It was for the first time that an independent woman like Kavya was introduced who had her own opinion and fought for her space in society. And women embraced her with open arms. They loved her in spite of her gray shades because she was ‘real’.” “I am thankful to my writers and producers who created Kavya. And my fans for making Kavya a household name and giving me tremendous love and popularity,” she added.
Asked if she would be ok to experiment with her looks in her new projects, she said, “In any show, the presentation of a character determines the persona she looks. So, your looks hardly matter.”
Madalsa is the daughter of veteran actress Sheela Sharma and film producer and director Subhash Sharma. She is married to Mahaakshay Chakraborty, popularly known by his nickname Mimoh, who is the son of Mithun Chakraborty and Yogeeta Bali. But she has never felt the pressure of being in the filmy family. Speaking about the same, Madalsa shared, “Being in a filmy family gives me lots of freedom. We have greater understanding and respect for each other.”
She is yet to make her OTT debut, as her daily soap kept her busy all this while. When questioned on what sort of characters you would like to play, she said, “With certain reservations about sex and nudity, I will welcome any type of role that does justice to my present status.”
Also Read: Madalsa Sharma quits Anupamaa after Sudhanshu Pandey: Here’s why!
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