In a recent interview with Kunal Vijaykar for his YouTube channel Khane Mein Kya Hai, actor Sachin Pilgaonkar made a revelation that has left Bollywood enthusiasts buzzing. Pilgaonkar, who portrayed the character of Ahmed in the 1975 blockbuster Sholay, shared that not all scenes in the movie were directed by the legendary filmmaker Ramesh Sippy. In fact, both he and co-star Amjad Khan, who played the infamous villain Gabbar Singh, directed crucial parts of the film.
Sachin Pilgaonkar recalls being “bekaar” on sets of Sholay; recalls helming key sequences of Ramesh Sippy directorial with Amjad Khan
According to Sachin, these directorial contributions took place during action sequences that did not feature the main stars of the film, such as Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra, or Sanjeev Kumar.
“We Handled the Remaining Scenes”
During the interview, Pilgaonkar explained that Sippy decided to create a second unit to film the non-star action sequences. He recounted, “Rameshji decided to have a second unit to do some action sequences which don’t feature the main stars. These were just passing shots. For this, he had a director of stunt films, Mohammed Ali bhai…with him was an action director, Azim bhai… Ramesh wanted two persons to represent him because these people came from other countries.”
At that time, Sachin and Amjad Khan were available on set and were unexpectedly called to assist. “There were only two bekaar (useless) people in the unit: one was Amjad Khan, and the other one was me,” Pilgaonkar humorously revealed. The actor went on to explain that while Ramesh Sippy shot the scenes with the lead actors, it was left to him and Khan to direct the rest.
Released in 1975, Sholay became one of the most successful films in Indian cinema history. Directed by Ramesh Sippy and produced by GP Sippy, the film starred an ensemble cast including Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra, Sanjeev Kumar, Hema Malini, Jaya Bachchan, and of course, Amjad Khan as Gabbar Singh. Its gripping action, unforgettable dialogues, and iconic performances have made Sholay a classic.
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: 2024’s MOST successful producer Dinesh Vijan to be felicitated at 7th Big Cine Expo; Ramesh Sippy to be honoured for 50 years of Sholay
More Pages: Sholay Box Office Collection
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