Manoj Bajpayee, who has lived in Delhi and Mumbai for extended periods of time, discussed his opinions about the two megacities. In an interview with RealHit YouTube channel he said that while he loves Delhi, he thinks Mumbai has superior people. He added that while individuals in Delhi usually brag about their fancy cars, even the wealthy and influential in Mumbai have no problem using public transport.
Manoj Bajpayee hops in on the Mumbai-Delhi debate; “Delhi is very beautiful, but the people are better in Mumbai”
Before relocating to Mumbai and becoming a household name, Manoj was a well-known actor in the Delhi theatre scene. In an appearance on the RealHit YouTube channel, he was asked about the two cities and his thoughts on them. “In Delhi, people say things like, ‘My Audi needs repair’, ‘I’m coming in my Mercedes’. They never say the word ‘car’. In Mumbai, people are so used to seeing all kinds of cars, they’re in an inferiority complex. If they mention that they have a Mercedes, the other guy might say that he has a Maserati.”
He further continued, “In Mumbai, even those who drive a Mercedes or a Maserati will never be ashamed of travelling in an auto. Because they know that it’s the quickest way to get from one place to another. Mumbai is a leveller in this regard.” When asked about the people that live in both cities, Manoj replied, “Delhi is very beautiful, but the people are better in Mumbai. If they could exchange these two things, it would be amazing.”
According to Manoj, people find it challenging to get together frequently in Mumbai because getting there takes longer. They must thus schedule appointments in advance. In contrast, he can make last-minute plans to meet people in Delhi and arrive in fifteen to thirty minutes.
The Family Man actor will soon be seen on screen in Apoorv Singh Karki’s Bhaiyya Ji reuniting with Karki after Sirf Ek Banda Hai.
Also Read: Manoj Bajpayee seeks blessings at Shree Mahakaleshwar Temple for his 100th film, Bhaiyya Ji
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