Former Bollywood actress Zaira Wasim recently shared the heartbreaking news of her father’s passing. Zahid Wasim, who was occasionally seen at film events alongside his daughter, passed away. Zaira took to her social media handles on Tuesday to inform her followers and request prayers for her father’s soul. She wrote, “My father, Zahid Wasim, has passed away. Please remember him in your prayers and ask Allah to forgive his shortcomings, make his grave peaceful, protect him from its torment, ease his journey from here ahead and grant him the highest level of Jannah and Maghrirah.
Dangal actress Zaira Wasim’s father passes away: “Ask Allah to forgive his shortcomings”
Earlier this year, Zaira also mourned the loss of her Dangal co-star Suhani Bhatnagar. Expressing her grief, she had written, “I’m shocked beyond words by the news of Suhani Bhatnagar’s passing. My heart goes out to her family during this incredibly difficult time. The thought of what her parents must be experiencing fills me with so much sorrow. Utterly speechless. My heartfelt condolences.”
Zaira Wasim made her Bollywood debut in 2016 at the tender age of 16 with the blockbuster sports drama Dangal. Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, she portrayed the younger version of Geeta Phogat, a celebrated wrestler. The film, which starred Aamir Khan as her father and veteran wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat, became one of the highest-grossing Indian films worldwide and earned Zaira widespread acclaim.
Following her success in Dangal, Zaira starred in the 2017 film Secret Superstar, a coming-of-age musical drama directed by Advait Chandan. In the film, she played the role of a young Muslim girl with a passion for singing who uploads her performances on YouTube while hiding her identity. The film, featuring Aamir Khan in a significant supporting role, was another international success, particularly in China.
In 2019, Zaira announced her decision to quit acting after the release of Shonali Bose’s film The Sky Is Pink. She played a young girl battling a terminal illness, starring alongside Priyanka Chopra, Farhan Akhtar, and Rohit Saraf. At the age of 18, Zaira chose to step away from the film industry, citing that the profession was interfering with her faith and peace of mind.
Also Read: Zaira Wasim shares first photograph two years after quitting Bollywood; enjoys the ‘warm October sun’
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