A viral video from Jammu and Kashmir has emerged, documenting a perilous incident involving a Tata Punch SUV. The footage, captured by a bystander, depicts the vehicle veering off the road and plummeting down a steep mountain slope. While bystanders can be seen attempting to intervene, the SUV ultimately loses control. Fortunately, the driver exhibits quick thinking and manages to exit the vehicle before it rolls down the mountainside, escaping what could have been a catastrophic event.
The cause of the accident remains unclear, but the video suggests the driver might have lost control on the steep downhill section. It appears an attempt was made to accelerate and regain control, but unfortunately, it was unsuccessful.
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of safe driving practices, especially in challenging mountainous terrain.
Watch the video here:
Instinct or luck ?#driveresponsibly#safedrivepic.twitter.com/aKGRanTvAI
— Prateek Singh (@Prateek34381357) June 2, 2024
Since being posted on X, the video has collected over 54,000 views and a range of comments from internet users.
A user wrote, “He opened the door. Definitely some presence of mind. And some luck in delaying the fall. End result = Life saved.”
“Close shave. I’d say daring,” another user wrote.
“Whoa that was a close call to death,” the third user wrote.
“They took the word ‘Mini SUV’ way too seriously. Btw this is what happens when people do not have proper car knowledge and took any car anywhere. And so-called social media influencers add fuel to the fire by posting stunt videos shot with extreme precautions,” the fourth user commented.
“Bro should start counting his blessings,” the fifth user wrote.
Source Agencies