Shweta Tiwari, the beloved actress known for her iconic roles in shows like Kasautii Zindagi Kay, recently opened up about her new play, Ek Main Aur Ek Two, and her views on the current state of television content in an exclusive interview with Bollywood Hungama.
EXCLUSIVE: Shweta Tiwari SLAMS unrealistic TV shows: “It doesn’t seem real. You can’t even relate”
Shweta Tiwari On The Shift in Television Content
When asked about the difference between television shows during her time and now, Shweta offered a candid take. “The content back then was better,” she stated. “Nowadays, it seems like anything goes. You have scenes with people getting locked in safes, and it just doesn’t feel real.”
Shweta elaborated on the lack of relatability in current TV shows. “Even back in the day, we had storylines involving large sums of money, like characters talking about crores of rupees. While that wasn’t entirely realistic either, viewers could still connect with the idea of wealthy individuals existing.”
She continued, “We have characters surviving snake bites without any repercussions, or people hanging from kites! I even saw a scene where a girl spins and falls on a curtain, only to have it somehow wrap around her neck.”
When asked how she would have reacted if asked to do such scenes, Shweta asserted, “I would simply ask, ‘What’s happening here? I can’t do this,” she said. “The shows I did never had these unrealistic sequences. The costumes, scripts, and dialogues I see today – I did all that 20 years ago! Even people’s hot presses have also been changed.
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Shweta Tiwari recalls shooting for Kasautii Zindagi Kay in “gross” lake water with kids’ poop and snake: “We were in this water the whole night”
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