Television actor Devoleena Bhattacharjee has announced her pregnancy. The actor, who got married to her trainer Shanawaz Shaikh in December 2022, shared photos from a panchamrit ritual, often observed by pregnant women.
Devoleena, who has refuted her pregnancy multiple times in the past, held a baby outfit which had the words ‘You can stop asking now’. Shanawaz was also present in the frame with her.
Sharing the photos, the actor wrote, “Celebrating the divine journey to motherhood with the sacred Panchamrit ritual, where tradition and love blend to bless the mother and her unborn child with health, prosperity, and joy during this beautiful chapter of life (sic).”
Here are the photos:
In June 2024, Devoleena Bhattacharjee posted photos from her beach outings. In the comments section, some of her fans pointed out that she was pregnant. This didn’t go down well with her. She wrote a long note on Instagram, shutting out the comments and trolls.
She wrote, “Many people have been messaging me for a long time regarding my pregnancy, creating news about it. I am sure that whenever I feel like sharing such news with you all, I will do it myself. For now, please do not bother me.”
She added, “What will you do once you find out whether I am pregnant or not? Will you create headlines, make your own content, troll or right 2-3 nice things? But trust me, I do not crave any of these. This is my personal space and you are not invited to bother me.”
“I am sure if anyone intrudes on your personal space or create content, you wouldn’t like it either. There is enough content on social media to keep yourself busy. I am sure by now you all understand that I do not like interference in my personal life. Thank you,” Devoleena concluded.
On the work front, Devoleena is currently seen in ‘Kooki’.
Source Agencies